About Mishpetay Eretz Institute

Mishpetey Eretz Institute 

The Mishpetey Eretz Institute was established in the month of Elul 5760 (2000), in Ofra.


The institute’s goal is to work towards having an Halachic response to modern judicial question. A full description of the institute’s vision, origins and influences require a broader platform.


Nevertheless, a concise and accurate description was given by the institute’s founder, the Rabbi of Ofra – Rabbi Avraham Gisser, (Mishpetay Eretz – Law, Judge and Proceedings, Ofra 5762 [2002],  p. 59, 66):


In order that the judegment will go hand in hand with daily life – it must noted for its undertanding of life, in its command in the relevant fields of knowledge and in its consideration of the way of life. The parties appearing in front of the court must have full confidence in the court and its command in all of these areas…

A Rabbinical Court must know the nature of marketing & commerce,  the dealings of the parties, and the nature of the time and place. All these things must be included in the unique expression which our Sages coined with regard to the Judge’s duty to judge “Din Emet Laamito” – (a truthfully true judgment ) a judgment which is ture to its fullest extent…

The Mishpetay Eretz Institute in Ofra – The Higher Academy of Halacha and Law, is dedicated to all of the above. We wish to produce Talmidei-Chachamim which are Expert Judges (Dayanim Mumchim) in Jewish Monetary Law, with the aim of having a “Truthfully true judgment”…


Books published by the institute - click here


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